Red Line Alert: Train service on the Red Line will be replaced with buses between Alewife and Kendall stations July 13 - July 28. More details regarding 128BC/Grid shuttle plans, MBTA replacement shuttle service, and alternative MBTA and bike route options can be found here.

PM Pickups – Waltham Route B

returning to Waltham Center

trip begins

4:00 PM

arrives at Alewife by approximately

4:30 PM

trip begins

5:30 PM

arrives at Alewife by approximately

6:00 PM

Each afternoon/evening, shuttles will only stop at those sites for which riders have requested a pickup.

You can request pickup at one of these times between 5:00 AM EST and 12:00 PM (noon) EST.

In order to submit your request, fill out the form below. (This form is also available here.)

After you submit your request, you will receive an email from the 128BC team confirming your pickup time.

Download this temporary schedule and all Safe Shuttle Rider Protocols applicable to Waltham Route B (also listed below).