Log In-App

Download the app.

Download CommuteTrack for Android devices.

Download CommuteTrack for Apple devices.

Or search your App Store for “Commute Tracker by RideAmigos.”


Connect your app to your online account.

  1. Open the app and click GET STARTED. You’ll be asked for your “Connect PIN.”
  2. To find your “Connect PIN,” navigate to your Dashboard from a web browser and look for the box that says TRACK YOUR TRIPS WITH THE COMMUTE TRACKER.
  3. Click GET CONNECTED. A pop-up window will display the email address with which you registered and your PIN.
  4. On your phone, click YES, LET’S GO! and then enter the email and PIN you just located.
  5. Follow the prompts to complete your mobile app set-up.


Log trips.

  1. Select COMMUTES from the bottom menu and then click the plus sign (+) sign at the top of the screen.
  2. Enter your trip information. Unlike the online dashboard, trips entered manually into the mobile app are treated as one-way.

Watch a video explanation here, which also includes an explanation of the app’s automatically-detected trips function.