Red Line Alert: Train service on the Red Line will be replaced with buses between Alewife and Kendall stations July 13 - July 28. More details regarding 128BC/Grid shuttle plans, MBTA replacement shuttle service, and alternative MBTA and bike route options can be found here.

Need More Help?

Help for Transportation Organizations

Contact 128 Business Council to learn more about the ways in which we can assist your organization in restarting transportation operations.

We are passionate about contributing to the safety and viability of public and shared transportation in this unprecedented landscape. Because we know first hand that organizations across the transportation industry are in critical need of ideas and accurate information at this time, we invested financial and human resources beyond the point of addressing our specific needs and questions.

We would be happy to share our research, talk through your specific organization’s circumstances and how our work might be applied to those circumstances, and even help you customize our assets to your specific organization. Reach out directly to our team to discuss new protocols that can enhance the safety of your transportation services for both your riders and employees.

Help for Office Sites

Much of the research and work that we have conducted regarding safe shuttle protocols would continue to be applicable once riders disembark from our vehicles and enter your worksite.

  • Should we be taking employees’ temperatures?
  • How can we encourage adequate physical distancing?
  • Are TNCs safe to use for off-hours transportation during this time?
  • What do we do about bathrooms?
  • What about ventilation and HVAC?
  • Can we split the difference between working in-office and telework?

If you would benefit from assistance with setting up improved health and safety protocols for your organization or at your worksite, do not hesitate to reach out to our team.