Red Line Alert: Train service on the Red Line will be replaced with buses between Alewife and Kendall stations July 13 - July 28. More details regarding 128BC/Grid shuttle plans, MBTA replacement shuttle service, and alternative MBTA and bike route options can be found here.

At Alewife Station

Protocols have been customized to the spatial layout, traffic, and number of 128BC shuttles traveling through each station. Alewife Station presents the largest-scale challenge and therefore requires the most complex protocols. Riders boarding a shuttle at Newton Highlands and Waltham Center should refer to the site descriptions found on their route’s dedicated page.

Clearly Marked Individual Waiting Areas

Controlling human movement is just as important as are cleaning procedures and protective gear.

Riders traveling through Alewife Station will find clearly delineated primary and secondary waiting areas featuring signage detailing the waiting & boarding procedures and individual waiting areas clearly indicated by bright green sidewalk decals.

Layout schematic for Alewife Station primary and secondary waiting areas.

Regular Compliance Checks

Frequent riders will see 128 Business Council staff members carrying out compliance checks at each of our stations. These compliance checks focus on-site conditions (Are all of the distancing decals and other signage still in place?), rider behavior (Do riders need reminders regarding required protocols?), and driver behavior (Are all procedures being executed with maximum effectiveness?).

Compliance checks are also carried out remotely by our dispatch and office staffs who continuously monitor the shuttle’s video feeds, filed wellness checks, and even cleaning product consumption rates.