Red Line Alert: Train service on the Red Line will be replaced with buses between Alewife and Kendall stations July 13 - July 28. More details regarding 128BC/Grid shuttle plans, MBTA replacement shuttle service, and alternative MBTA and bike route options can be found here.

Contact 128 Business Council

Feel free to reach out to us if you’d like to become a member, if you’d like to ride one of our shuttles, or if you have questions of any kind. We are happy to help!

How to Contact Us

Phone: +1 (781) 890-0093, ext. 5
Fax: +1 (781) 890-4736
Find us on twitter

Or email a specific member of our team.

128BC Main Office Address

1077 Lexington St, Suite 200
Waltham, MA 02452