128BC/The Grid shuttles will NOT run Tue., 12/31/24 - Wed., 1/1/25. Shuttles will return to regular service Thu., 1/2/25. View our complete holiday service schedule here. Reminder: Beginning Wed., 1/1/25, shuttle fares will increase by ~20% across all routes. Read more about this change here.

AM Departures – Alewife AB

from Alewife Station
serving all Alewife Route A-North, A-South & B destinations

6:30 AM

last drop-off no later than

7:10 AM

7:15 AM

last drop-off no later than

7:55 AM

8:00 AM

last drop-off no later than

8:30 AM

8:45 AM

last drop-off no later than

9:15 AM

9:30 AM

last drop-off no later than

10:00 AM

10:00 AM

last drop-off no later than

10:40 AM

Exact arrival times depend upon the stops needed by that day’s riders.

No advance reservation needed for A.M. travel.